In August 2015, a regional education organization, the Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC), released a research brief on The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Postsecondary Institutions in the United States: 2010-2012 Baseline Results. Institutional effectiveness is defined as the difference between an institution’s actual graduation rate and the rate that would be expected given the institution’s structural attributes, the types of students served, financial resources, and the geographical context. Institutional efficiency is estimated as the difference between actual educational expenditures and the expenditures that would be predicted from degree production levels, faculty attributes, and location.
In the brief, Alaska Pacific University was identified as a having a very high effectiveness rating. Click here for the full results of the study.
At the January 7th meeting, the Commission re-authorized Alaska Pacific University, through January 2021. Congratulations to APU on being determined to be highly effective and on reauthorization!