Visiting Alaska Pacific University’s Kellogg Campus in Palmer | Outdoor Explorer
A historic working farm in Palmer is home to a unique outdoor education experience that blends agriculture, a Masters Degree program and a place-based elementary school designed for local homeschoolers.
Caribou herds in Arctic Alaska tundra areas are on opposite trends
The Western Arctic Caribou Herd, once the biggest in Alaska, is faltering, having fallen from a high of 490,000 animals in 2003 to only 152,000 as of 2023.
APU boreal forest research published in top-tier journal Nature
For the past several years, Dr. Roman Dial has researched tree line in northern Alaska. His undergraduate students may spend 99 days straight in the backcountry, gathering data by foot…
APU undergrads gain more research opportunities in Alaska through AK UNiTE
Collaborating biology faculty at Alaska Pacific University, University of Alaska Anchorage, Kodiak College, and University of Washington Tacoma were awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Incubator Grant to increase undergraduate…
Photo Book: Senior Project Week at APU
Last week, APU seniors put their days, months, and years of hard work on exhibit for the entire community to see displaying their senior projects in Carr Gottstein and Grant…
Meet Dee Barker, APU’s New Assistant Professor of Environmental Science
Dr. Dee Barker is joining APU as Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Science. Dee has her graduate degrees in chemistry, with specializations in chemical education and biophysical chemistry, and…
Environmental Ethics in Alaska
“Environmental ethics” may sound like a chance to eat chia seeds while wearing Birkenstocks, talking about your favorite tree (there certainly is a bit of hippy tree hugger in the…
Honors Assembly Shines Light on Exemplary Students, Staff, Faculty
With the school year winding down, Alaska Pacific University took time last week to recognize it’s exemplary students, staff, and faculty members during the Annual Honors Assembly. Here are the…
Spring Course Teaches Students Dog Mushing
For as long back as Andrea Grenier can remember, she’s wanted to be a dog musher. What she doesn’t remember, however, is how she got into the sport. “No one…
APU Club Volunteers at Girl Scouts of America Women Of Science & Technology Day
On Saturday, February 3rd, the Girl Scouts of Alaska held their Women of Science & Technology Day workshop to help promote curiosity in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)…